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Second permanent museum exhibition – 1988

This exhibition was dedicated both thematically and in content to the Jasenovac Ustasha concentration camp system.

From a design point of view, the exhibits were displayed on three levels. The top level was a frieze consisting of large photographs showing the crimes of the Nazis, Fascists and Ustashas in the ISC between 1941 and 1945. The middle level consisted of alternating copies of mounted documents and photographs of Ustasha origin – notices of executions, orders for the registration or forced removals of certain nationalities, Ustasha crimes, etc – with thematic and individual captions and glass cabinets containing objects recovered from mass graves (one cabinet contained items from a grave researched in 1985).

Below this frieze there were 32 glass cabinets displaying inmates’ personal items and weapons used to kill prisoners, along with part of the camp office inventory, including the camp seals and an inkstand.

This exhibition included more material on paper than the previous one. It was closer to the victims, thematically easier to follow and in terms of content, showed in more detail the events that took place in Camp III (Brickworks) and the fate of the inmates.

The cinema was used to show films, this time with the addition of “Krv i pepeo Jasenovac” (Blood and Ashes of Jasenovac), directed by Lordan Zafranović, made in 1984.


Braće Radić 147, 44 324 Jasenovac


tel-faks:+385 44 672 3 19


December 1st - February 28th

Monday - Friday: 9am - 4pm

The museum is closed on Saturdays, Sundays and state holidays.