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List of abbreviations/sources in the List of individual victims of Jasenovac concentration camp


BI.64 – Jasenovac, Žrtve rata prema podacima Statističkog zavoda Jugoslavije (Jasenovac, War Victims according to the data of the Statistical Institute of Yugoslavia), Bošnjački institute (Bosniac Institute), Zurich – Sarajevo, Belgrade, 1992.
IZ Izjave - Written material compiled from statements made by friends and families of the Jasenovac victims.
JAD-V – List of names of victims of the Holocaust compiled from witness statements given to Yad Vashem.
JUSPJ745:JSV-inv.br/00 FR – Jasenovac Memorial Site Photograph Collection
LUKIĆ – Dragoje Lukić, Bili su samo deca, Jasenovac – grobnica 19.432 devojčice i dečaka (They were only children, Jasenovac, the Grave of 19,432 Girls and Boys), GrafoMark and the Museum of the Victims of Genocide, Belgrade – Banja Luka, 2000.
MIL-1 - Antun Miletić, Koncentracioni logor Jasenovac 1941-1945 (Jasenovac Concentration Camp 1941-1945), Documents, vol I, Jasenovac Memorial Site and Narodna knjiga, Belgrade, 1986.
MIL-2 - Antun Miletić, Koncentracioni logor Jasenovac 1941-1945 (Jasenovac Concentration Camp 1941-1945), Documents, vol II, Jasenovac Memorial Site and Narodna knjiga, Belgrade, 1986.
MIL-3 – Antun Miletić, Koncentracioni logor Jasenovac 1941-1945 (Jasenovac Concentration Camp 1941-1945), Documents, vol III, Jasenovac Memorial Site and Narodna knjiga, Belgrade, 1987.
MIL-4 – Antun Miletić, Koncentracioni logor Jasenovac 1941-1945 (Jasenovac Concentration Camp 1941-1945), Documents, vol IV, Gambit, Jagodina, 2007.
NOO-NG – Documents from the archives of the People’s Liberation Committee of Nova Gradiška (Slavonski Brod Historical Archives, Nova Gradiška section).
PAK-44 – Incomplete list of prisoners of Jasenovac Assembly Camp according to the 1944 index of the parcel office, Zrenjanin,1966.
SP-PRE – Monument to fallen soldiers and victims of the Fascist terror in the village of Prevršac near Kostajnica.                                ST-ZRI - Smilja Tišma, Data about victims of genocide in the Independent State of Croatia from the village of Zrinjska, municipality Grubišno Polje, Beograd, 2011.SUB-BB – Book of fallen soldiers and victims of the Fascist terror during the People’s Liberation War 1941 – 1945 in the municipality of Bosanski Brod, based on the evidence of the Municipal Committee of the Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations, Bosanski Brod
SUB-KO – Book of victims of the Fascist terror during the People’s Liberation War 1941-1945 in the municipality of Kostajnica, based on the evidence of the Municipal Committee of the Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations, Kostajnica.
SUB-PR – Book of victims of the Fascist terror during the People’s Liberation War 1941-1945 in the municipality of Prijedor, based on the evidence of the Municipal Committee of the Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations, Prijedor.
SZSJ64 – List of victims of the Second World War, Yugoslav Federal Institute of Statistics, 1964.
UP-41 – Questionnaire Jasenovac Memorial Site – 1941.
UP-42 – Questionnaire Jasenovac Memorial Site – 1942.
UP-43 – Questionnaire Jasenovac Memorial Site – 1943.
UP-44 – Questionnaire Jasenovac Memorial Site – 1944.
UP-45 – Questionnaire Jasenovac Memorial Site – 1945.
ZKRZ-D – Documents of the National Commission for Establishing the Crimes of the Occupiers and Their Helpers (archives, Jasenovac Memorial Site).
ZKRZ-P – List of Victims of the National Commission for Establishing the Crimes of the Occupiers and Their Helpers.
ŽOZ – List of victims of the Second World War; Jewish Community, Zagreb.


AP-SCIB – Ana Požar, Stradanje mještana općine Crkveni bok od jasenovačkih ustaša, Jasenovac – sistem ustaških logora smrti (Local victims of the Jasenovac Ustashas from the municipality of Crkveni Bok, Jasenovac – the system of the Ustasha death camps), Museum of the Victims of Genocide and Stručna knjiga, Belgrade, 1997, pp.101-136.
JS-USK – Jelka Smreka, List of victims for the village of Uskoci, manuscript.
KB-MAJ – Ljubomir Kerović, Mirko Babić, List of those killed in Jasenovac from the Središnja Podmajevica areas, Jasenovac – the system of the Croatian Ustasha genocide camps,1941-1945, Banja Luka – Donja Gradina, 2000.
PV-ŽFT – Pakrački vjesnik (Pakrac Herald), no.724, special issue, Pakrac Civic Branch of the Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations, Pakrac, 4. 2. 1982.
OMA-58 – Novi Omanut (New Omanut), no.58, Zagreb, May-June 2003/5736, pp.9-10.
VET-ŽJ – Vetserum commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Revolution, Year 9, Zagreb, 1961.
ZD-SAM – Zdravko Dizdar, (Review of the Development of the National Liberation Movement in Samobor, especially the Samobor Anti-Fascist Youth Group, Povijesni prilozi, 5(1986), IHRPH, Zagreb,1986.


AB-ŽID – Alen Budaj, Vallis Judaea; Povijest požeške židovske zajednice (History of the Požega Jewish Community), D-GRAF d.o.o, Zagreb, 2007.
AD-NG – Anton Duhaček, Četrdestprva u novogradiškom kraju, građa za povijest NOB (1941 in the Nova Gradiška area, material for the history of the People’s Liberation War), Narodno sveučilište «MAR», Nova Gradiška, 1984.
AHA-Ž – Antisemitizam, holokaust, antifašizam, Zbornik simpozija «Od antisemitizma do holokausta» i okruglog stola «Kontroverze oko antifašizma (Anti-Semitism, Holocaust, Anti-Fascism, Anthology from the symposium “From Anti-Semitism to the Holocaust” and the round table discussion “Controversies about Anti-Fascism”, Jewish Community, Zagreb, Zagreb, 1996.                                                      
AK-NEV - Alija Kebo, Nevidljivi front, Mostar, 1983.

BĐ – VOD – Borislav Đukić, Vodičevo vijekovima na granici. (Vodičevo at the Border for Centuries)
BGB-PČ – Tragom prošlosti i borbe (In Search of the Past and Strife); Perna, Pištaline and Čojluk in the People’s Liberation War 1941-1945, Zemun, 1984.
BG-ZBO – Bosansko Grahovo in the People’s Liberation War, 1941-1945; Zbornik sjećanja (Anthology of Memories), Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations, Bosansko Grahovo, 1971.
BJ-SEM - Mr. Mirko Babić, Simo Jovanović Čelić, Popis srpskih žrtava i prilozi za istoriju, Prosvjeta, Bijeljina, 2001.
BM-MAR – Budimir Marin, Martinci u vihoru rata (Martinci in the Vortex of War), Novi Sad, 1984.
BM-OB – Milan Bukvić, Otočac and Brinje in the People’s Liberation War, 1941-1945, Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations, Otočac, 1971.
BM-RAT – Milan Basta, Rat je završen sedam dana kasnije (The War Ended Seven Days Later), Globus, Zagreb, 1976.
BOR-SL – Jernej Borovnik, Spomini Slovencev na Jasenovac, Staro Gradiško in Lepoglavo (Memorials to Slovenes in Jasenovac, Stara Gradiška and Lepoglava), published by author, Šentjur,1998.
BŠ-GRB – Bogdan Šmitran, Hronika potkozarskog sela Grbavci (Chronicle of the Potkozari village of Grbavci), SKD Prosvjeta, Gradiška, 2002.

ĆK-TRA – Ćamil Kazazović, Travnik u Narodnooslobodilačkom ratu (Travnik in the People’s War of Liberation), volume I, Travnik, 1969.

DČ-JAS – Drago Čolaković, Jasenovac, Svjetlost, Sarajevo, 1948.
DD-N.GRAD – Desimir Drobac, Opština Novi Grad kroz istoriju (The Municipality of Novi Grad Through History), Novi Grad, 2004.
DD-SUB – Drugi svjetski rat, Subocka u ratu 1941-1945. godine, narodnooslobodilačka borba, kronologija (The Second World War, Subocka at War, 1941-1945, People’s Liberation War, Chronology), Regional Association of Slavonians, descendants and friends of Slavonians and “Branko Radičević” Book Club, Vedes, Belgrade, 2004.
DĐ – RODĐ – Dušan Đurđević, Rodoslov porodica Đurđević iz II Čađavice (Family Tree of the Đurđević Family of II Čađavice); Novi Grad (Bosanski Novi) 1820-2001, Novi Grad, 2001.
DK-JUR – Danilo Karapetrović, Hronika sela Donje Jurkovice (Chronicle of the village of Donja Jurkovica) (1800-2000), Društvo književnika, Gradiška, 2007.
DK-KB – Dušan Korać, Kordun i Banija u narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi i socijalističkoj revoluciji (Kordun and Banija in the People’s Liberation War and Socialist Revolution), Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1986.
DK-PRK – Dušan Korać, Prkos u plamenu (Spite in Flames), Zagreb, 1989.
DL-KD – Dragoje Lukić, Kozarsko djetinjstvo (A Kozara Childhood), Narodna knjiga, Belgrade, 1973.
DL-ŽIG – Dragan Lučić, Žig komunizma – Pavelićev testament (The Stamp of Communism – Pavelić’s Testament), vol II, AIZ-Dosije, Belgrade, 1991.
DM-MUS – Vladimir Dedijer, Antun Miletić, Genocid nad Muslimanima 1941-1945 (Genocide against the Muslims 1941-1945); Anthology of documents and witness statements, Svjetlost, Sarajevo, 1990.
DP-POŽ – Dane Pavlica, Kronologija događaja u požeškoj kotlini 1941 (Chronicle of events in the Požega Valley in 1941), Municipal Committee of the Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations, Slavonska Požega, 1991.
DRAG-M – Mile Dragić, Tragedija sela Mlake i Jablanac u toku II. svjetskog rata 1941-1945 (The Tragedies of the Villages of Mlaka and Jablanac during the Second World War), Municipal Committee of the Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations, MZ Mlaka i Jasenovac Memorial Site,1989.
DS-HRO – Jakov Danon, Verica M. Stošić, Hronika Jevrejske opštine Banja Luka (Chronicle of Banja Luka Jewish Community), Banja Luka Jewish Community, Banja Luka, 2007.
DŠ-OBR – Drago Šormaz, Obraz (Face), Svet knjige, Belgrade, 2004.
DVOR – Dvor na Uni, Od prijeslavenskog doba do naših dana (Dvor na Uni, from the period before the Slavs to the present day), Anthology of scientific and published works, Municipal Council, Dvor na Uni, 1991.

ĐĐ-SLA – Đorđe Đurić, Epitaf kraj zelene rijeke, Poema, Nikad vas nećemo zaboraviti (Epitaph by a green river, a poem, we will never forget you), Kostajnički list, Kostajnica, 1981.
ĐM-JAS – Đorđe Miliša, U mučilištu - paklu Jasenovac (In the Place of Torture – the Hell of Jasenovac), Naklada piščeva, Zagreb, 1945.
ĐM-ROM – Dr. Rajko Đurić, Antun Miletić, Istorija holokausta Roma (History of the Holocaust of the Roma), Politika, Ad, Belgrade, 2008.
ĐZ-JAD – Đuro Zatezalo, Jadovno kompleks ustaških logora (The Jadovno Ustasha Camp System)1941, vol I, Museum of the Victims of Genocide, Belgrade, 2007.

GR-KRA – Milorad Gončin, Stevo Rauš, Prva krajiška udarna proleterska brigada (The First Krajiška Proletarian Offensive Brigade), Vojnoizdavački zavod, Belgrade, 1981.
GS-BUJ – Glišo Savić, Spomenica sela Bujavica, 1. dio (Bujavica Village Memorial, Part One), Pakrac, 1989.
GS-BUJ2 – Glišo Savić, Prošlost koja se ponavlja (History which Repeats Itself), Grafocentar, Zagreb, 2007.
GOLD-Ž – Ivo Goldstein, Holokaust u Zagrebu (Holocaust in Zagreb), Novi liber, Zagreb, 2001.

HAL-R – Bajram Haliti, Romi, narod zle kobi (Romi budućnost svih) (The Roma, an ill-fated people (The Roma, the Future of us all), Pergament, Priština, 1997.
HAK-DL – Kotar Donji Lapac in the People’s Liberation War 1941-1945 (The District of Donji Lapac in the People’s Liberation War), Historical archives, Karlovac,1985.
HAK-DR – Duga Resa, radovi iz dalje prošlosti, NOB i socijalističke revolucije i izgradnje (Duga Resa, works from long ago, the People’s Liberation War and the Socialist Revolution in the building of Duga Resa), Historical archives, Karlovac, 1986.
HAK-GD – Općina Gornje Dubrave, radovi iz dalje prošlosti i NOB (The Municipality of Gornja Dubrava, works of long ago and the People’s Liberation War), Historical archives, Karlovac, 1987.
HAK-GP – Kotar Gospić i kotar Perušić u Narodnooslobodilačkom ratu 1941-1945 (The Districts of Gospić and Perušić in the People’s Liberation War 1941-1945), Historical archives Karlovac, 1989.
HAK-GR – Kotar Gračac u Narodnooslobodilačkom ratu (The District of Gračac in the People’s Liberation War 1941-1945), volume 1, Historical archives, Karlovac, 1984.
HAK-PD – Partizanska Drežnica (Partisan Drežnica), Historical archives, Karlovac, 1982.
HAK-PL – Plašćanska dolina i okolina i okolina u NOR-u (Plaščanska Valley and the surrounding area in the People’s Liberation War), Historical archives, Karlovac, 1976.
HAK-SV – Kotar Slunj i kotar Veljun u Narodnooslobodilačkom ratu (The Districts of Slunj and Veljun in the People’s Liberation War), Historical archives, Karlovac, 1988.
HAK-TK – Kotar Korenica i kotar Udbina u NOR-u i socijalističkoj izgradnji (The Districts of Korenica and Udbina in the People’s Liberation War and socialist rebuilding), Historical archives, Karlovac, 1979.
HAK-VO – Kotar Vojnić u Narodnooslobodilačkom ratu i socijalističkoj revoluciji (The District of Vojnić in the People’s Liberation War and Socialist revolution), Historical archives, Karlovac, 1989.
HASTG– Otpor u logoru Stara Gradiška (iz sjećanja bivših logoraša) (Resistance in Stara Gradiška Camp (taken from survivors’ memories), eds. Marijana Amulić i Čedomil Huber, Jasenovac Memorial Site, 1980.
HE-JAJ – Hazim Eminefendić, Radnički pokret i KPJ u Jajcu od osnivanja do kapitulacije stare Jugoslavije (1878-1941) (The Workers’ Movements and the Communist Party of Yugoslavia in Jajce from its formation to the fall of old Yugoslavia), Jajce, 1980.
HZR-Ž – Hrvatsko Zagorje u revoluciji (Croatian Zagorje in Revolution), manuscript, part II, Bedekovčina, 1980.

IJ-STG – Ilija Jakovljević, Konclogor na Savi (The Concentration Camp by the Sava), Kauzar, Zagreb, 1999.

JJ-SR – Jovan Jakovljević, Poema o mrtvim seljacima (Poem about Dead Villagers), Narodno sveučilište «MAR», Nova Gradiška, 1986.
JK-KAT - JURE Krišto, Katolička crkva i NDH (Catholic Church and the Independent State of Croatia), Volume II, HIP, Zagreb, 1998.
JOV-VN – Aleksandar Jovanović, Iščupani koreni Velikog Nabrđa (Uprooting of Veliko Nabrđe), Cicero, Belgrade, 2003.
JR-BRA – Jerko Radmilović, Otok Brač u NOB-u (The Island of Brač in the People’s Liberation War), Belgrade, 1982.
JU-MIT – Jovan Udicki, Žrtve II svetskog rata iz Sremske Mitrovice (Second World War Victims from Sremska Mitrovica), Muzej Srema, Sremska Mitrovica, 1955.

KB-DER – Pero Kovačević, Cvijetan Bojčić, Dereza, rađanje i umiranje (Dereza, birth and death), Belgrade Association of People from Dereza, Belgrade, 2002.
KDM-JM – Karlo Drago Miletić, Jevreji u Mostar (Jews in Mostar), Mostar, 2008.
KOZ-4 – Kozara u Narodnooslobodilačkom ratu; zapisi i sjećanja, (Kozari in the People’s Liberation War; documents and memories), volume IV, Vojnoizdavački Zavod Belgrade, 1978.
KOZ-5 - Kozara u Narodnooslobodilačkom ratu; zapisi i sjećanja (Kozari in the People’s Liberation War; documents and memories), volume V, Vojnoizdavački zavod, Belgrade, 1978.
KOZ-6 - Kozara u Narodnooslobodilačkom ratu; zapisi i sjećanja (Kozari in the People’s Liberation War; documents and memories), volume VI, Vojnoizdavački zavod, Belgrade, 1978.
KRIL-R – Narcisa Lengel Krizman, Genocid nad Romima 1941-1945 (Genocide against the Roma), Spomen-područje Jasenovac, Jasenovac – Zagreb, 2003.
KRS-PŽ – Vladimir Krpan, Ivan Rizmaul, Davor Salopek, Petrinjski žrtvoslov (Farewell to the Victims of Petrinja), Matica hrvatska, Petrinja, 1995.
KV-SV – Opštine Kotor Varoš i Skender Vakuf u NOB-u (The Municipalitieis of Kotor Varoš and Skender Vakuf in the People’s Liberation War), Univerzitet Đuro Pucar Stari, Kotor Varoš, 1985.

LAK-ŽR – Laktaši u Narodnoooslobodilačkoj borbi i revoluciji 1941-1945 (Laktaši in the People’s Liberation War), Laktaši,1981.

LJĐ-BPO – Ljuban Đurić, Banijski partizanski odred 1941-1945 (The Banija Partisan Detachment), Vojnoizdavački i novinski centar, Belgrade, 1988.
LJM-KO – Ljubo Mihić, Kozara i priroda; čovjek i istorija (Kozari and Nautre, Man and History), Dnevnik, Novi Sad, 1987.

MA-TAJ – Marko Anaf, Tajna mansarde na neimaru (The Secret of the Attic in Neimar), Prosveta, Belgrade, 1985.
MCK-DA – Milan Crnomarković Krljo, Dabar u narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi 1941-1945 (Dabar in the People’s Liberation War), Municipal Committee of the Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations, Sanski Most, 1988.
MD-DER – Midhat Dizdarević, Radnički pokret i NOR Derventa, (Dokumenti i sjećanja) (The Workers’ Movement and the People’s Liberation Revolution, Derventa, Documents and memories), Derventa, 1972.
MD-REV – Midhat Dizdarević, Derventa u borbi i revoluciji (Derventa in War and Revolution), Derventa, 1975.
MI-STM – Milan Inđić, Staromajdansko područje u narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi 1941-1945.godine (The Stari Majdan Area in the People’s Liberation War), Municipal Committee of the Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations, Sanski Most, 1983.
MK-NG – Milan Kladar, Narod sebi, Spomenici i spomen – obilježja NOB komune Nova Gradiška s prilozima (A People of Their Own, Monuments and memorial – the Nova Gradiška Commune, with appendices), Narodno sveučilište «MAR», Nova Gradiška, 1977.
MM-SJE – Mile Mrkalj, Sjeničak, kronika kordunaškog sela (Chronicle of the village of Kordun), Hrvatski arhiv Karlovac, Karlovac, 1980.
MOD-ŽJ – Modriča sa okolinom u prošlosti (Modriča and the surrounding area in the past), Modriča, 1986.
MP-BRU – Mihailo Pantić, Brusnica na Savi, monografija (Brusnica na Savi, a Monograph), Novi sad, 1998.
MP-SINJ – Marinko Perić, Sinj i Cetinska krajina u borbi za slobodu (Sinja and Cetinska Krajina in the Fight for Freedom), Sinj, 1974.
MR-TM – Nestor Mihovilović, Dušan Roksandić, Monografija Trnava – Medari (Monograph of Trnava-Medari), published by the author, Belgrade, 2006
MS-MOS - Mensur Seferović, Mostarski kolopleti, OO SUBNOR, Mostar, 1975.
MS-TRN – Milan Stevanović, Nepokorena Trnova (Unbowed Trnova), Belgrade, 1972.
MŠ-VIR – Milan Šaša, Kotar Virovitica u Narodnooslobodilačkom ratu (Virovitica in the People’s Liberation War), Virovitica, 1989.
MŠ-ŽID – Melita Švob, Židovi u Hrvatskoj – židovske zajednice (The Jews in Croatia – the Jewish Communities), volume II, Second, amplified edition, Istraživački i dokumentacijski centar «Cendo», Zagreb, 2004.
MT-GRA – Mehmedalija Tufekčić, Gradačac četrdesetprve (Gradačec in 1941), Sarajevo, 1981.
MU-ŠU – Milan Ugrešić, U obrani života, selo Šumetlica u NOB 1941-1945 (Defending Lives, the village of Šumetlica in the People’s Liberation War), Narodno sveučilište «MAR», Nova Gradiška, 1981.
MV-ROM – Mirko Vranješ, Ljepota naših Romanovaca (The Beauty of our Romanovci), Grafopapir, Banja Luka, 2006

NH-BOŠ – Nihad Halilbegović, Bošnjaci u jasenovačkom logoru (Bosniacs in the Jasenovac Camp), Vijeće kongresa bošnjačkih intelektualaca, Sarajevo, 2006.
NN-JAS – Nikola Nikolić, Jasenovački logor smrti (Jasenovac Death Camp), Oslobođenje, Sarajevo, 1975.
NN-SRB – Nedeljko Ninković, Pomenik na Srbobranu, (The Monument in Srbobran) Grafomark, Laktaši, 2000.
NOB-LA – Laktaši u narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi i revoluciji 1941-1945 (Laktaši in the People’s Liberation War and Revolution), Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations, Laktaši, 1981.
NOB-SM – Branko Bokan, Srez Sanski Most u NOB 1941-1945. godine (The District of Sanski Most in the People’s Liberation War), Skupština općine, Sanski Most, 1980.
OZALJ – Općina Ozalj – revolucija i razvoj (The Municipality of Ozalj – Revolution and Development), Ozalj, 1989.

P-LEK – Požeški leksikon (Požega Lexicon), Općinska skupština, Slavonska Požega, 1977.
PAK-DG – Prilozi za monografiju sela Donji Grahovljani (Contributions to a monograph on the village of Donji Grahovljani), Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations Donji Grahovljani i Odbor za pisanje monografije, Pakrac, 1971.
PĐ-MET – Đuro Pipinić, Ratni kotar Metković u NOB (The Wartime District of Metković in the People’s Liberation War), Kronika 1941-1944, IHRPD, Split, 1986.
PM-LPS – Miloš Puzić, Ratna hronika ranije općine Ličko Petrovo Selo, Da se ne ponovi (War Chronicle of the Former Municipality of Ličko Petrovo Selo, May it Never Happen Again), Municipal Committee of the Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations, Titova Korenica, 1985.
PM-SBB – Mihailo Pantić, Stradanje Srba opštine Srpski Brod za vrijeme Drugog svjetskog Rata (Serbian Casualties in the Municipality of Srpski Brod during the Second World War), Novi Sad, 2005.
PŽ-NOB – Požeška kotlina u narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi i socijalističkoj revoluciji 1941-1945, Materijali sa znanstvenog skupa održanog 12. i 13. 12. 1980. u Slav. Požegi u čast 40-godišnjice ustanka naroda i narodnosti Jugoslavije (The Požega Basin in the People’s Liberation War and Socialist Revolution 1941-45, Material from an expert conference held on 12 and 13 December 1980 in Slavonska Požega in honour of the 40th Anniversary of the People’s and Nations’ Uprising of Yugoslavia), CISB, Slavonski brod, 1984.

RN-SRK – Radoslav Nikolić, Ispovest jasenovačkog mučenika (Confessions of a Jasenovac Martyr), Fond istine, Srpski kulturni i dokumentacioni centar i Svetski sabor Srba
RO-JAS – Ratko Orozović, Od Jasenovca do polarnog krug (From Jasenovac to the Polar Circle), NIRO Zadrugar, Sarajevo, 1989.
ROM-J – Jaša Romano, Jevreji Jugoslavije 1941-1945, žrtve genocida i učesnici NOR-a (The Jews of Yugoslavia 1941-45, Victims of Genocide and Participants in the People’s War of Liberation), Savez Jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije, Belgrade, 1980.
RR-KU – Radovan Ratković, Domovi pokraj Pakre: slavonsko selo Kusonje (Homes near Pakra: the Slavonian Village of Kusonja), Društvo Kusonjčana, Belgrade, 2004.
RV-TRS – Rade Vidaković, Trstenci u zadnjih 100 godina (Trstenci in the last 100 years), Trstenci, 2006.
RUČ-ZJ – Marko Ručnov, Zašto Jasenovac (Why Jasenovac?), IKP Nikola Pašić, Belgrade, 2001, Zašto Jasenovac (Why Jasenovac?, Article N 1, IKP Nikola Pašić, Belgrade, 2004.

SAM-BD – Dušan Samardžija, Bosanskodubičko područje u NOB-u i socijalističkoj revoluciji 1941-1945, Monografija (The Bosansko Dubica Area in the National Liberation War and Socialist Revolution 1941-45, A Monograph), Društveno političke organizacije i Skupština opštine, Bosanska Dubica, 1985.
SB-ĐAK – Stjepan Bilošić, Đakovština u narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi i socijalističkoj revoluciji 1941-1945 (The Đakovo Area in the People’s Liberation War and Socialist Revolution), Skupština općine Đakovo, Đakovo, 1986.
SBOS1 – Srednja Bosna u NOB-u, sjećanja, članci (Central Bosnia in the People’s Liberation War, memories and articles), Documents, volume I, VIZ, Belgrade, 1976.
SBOS2 - Srednja Bosna u NOB-u, sjećanja, članci (Central Bosnia in the People’s Liberation War, memories and articles), Documents, volume II, Banja Luka, 1980.
SBOS3 - Srednja Bosna u NOB-u, sjećanja, članci (Central Bosnia in the People’s Liberation War, memories and articles), Documents, volume III, Banja Luka, 1981.
SČ-VV – Stazama časti, žitelji Velog Varoša poginuli u Narodnooslobodilačkom ratu i socijalističkoj revoluciji 1941-1945 (Paths of Honour, the Villagers of Veli Varoš who died in the People’s Liberation War and Socialist Revolution), Mjesna zajednica «»Varoš», Split
SD-ŠAŠ – Stevan Drobac, Oaza slobode; hronika Šašinaca (Oasis of Freedom, a Chronicle of Šašinci), Sremske novine, Sremska Mitrovica, 1984.
SH-BRO – Slavica Hrečkovski, Slavonski Brod u NOB i socijalističkoj revoluciji 1941-1945 (Slavonski Brod in the People’s Liberation War and Socialist Revolution), HISB, Slavonski Brod, 1982.
SK-ŽUP – Stjepan Kokanović, Radnički i narodnooslobodilački pokret u županjskom kraju (The Workers’ and People’s Liberation Movement in the Županja area), Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations, Županja, 1985.
SLJ-SR – Srećko Ljubljanović, Spomen-obilježja radničkog i narodnooslobodilačkog pokreta u Požeškoj kotlini (Monuments to the Workers’ and People Liberation Movement in the Požega Basin), Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations, Slavonska Požega, 1968.
SP-MOS – Spomenica Mostara 1941-1945 (Memorial of Mostar), Skupština općine Mostar, Mostar, 1987.
SP-TM – Spasoje Popović, Trnava u Slavoniji (Trnava in Slavonia), Narodno sveučilište «MAR», Nova Gradiška, 1985.
SPO-TU - Spomen-knjiga poginulih tuzlanskih boraca NOR-a i žrtava fašističkog terora 1941-1945. godine (Memory Book of Fallen Tuzlan Soldiers in the People’s Liberation War and Victims of the Fascist Terror), Udruženje antifašista i boraca NOR-a Tuzla, Tuzla, 2007.
SPOM-P – Spomenica pravoslavnih sveštenika – žrtava fašističkog terora i palih u narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi 1941-1945 (Memorial of the Orthodox Priests, Victims of the Fascist Terror who died in the People’s Liberation War), Savez udruženja pravoslavnih sveštenika FNRJ, Belgrade, 1960.
SR-LJU – Simo Radić, Ljubinje i Popovo polje 1941-1945 (Ljubinje and Popovo Polje), Ljubinje, 1969.
ST-ŠID – Sima Tomović, Šid monografija (Šid Monograph), Municipal Committee of the Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations, Šid, 1973.
SZH-ZB – Sjeverozapadna Hrvatska u NOB-u i socijalističkoj revoluciji (Northwest Croatia in the People’s Liberation War and Socialist Revolution), Zajednica općina memorijalnog područja Kalnik IHRPH Zagreb, Varaždin, 1976.

ŠI-SK – Ivica Šustić, Spomenici revolucionarnog narodnooslobodilačkog pokreta, NOB-a i socijalističke revolucije na području općine Sisak (Memorials of the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Movement and War and the Socialist Revolution in the Sisak Municipal Area), Sisak, 1982.

TP-OMI – Tomislav Perić, U spomen revoluciji (Memorial of the Revolution), Municipal Committee of the Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations, Omiš, Koordinacijski odbor za njegovanje revolucionarnih tradicija općine Omiš, Omiš, 1983.
TRIV-J – Radovan Trivunčić, Jasenovačka drama (The Jasenovac Drama), Školske novine, Zagreb, 1985.
TU-ŽFT – Titovo Užice u borbi za slobodu (Titovo Užice in the Fight for Freedom), Spomenica posvećena desetogodišnjici oslobađanja Titovog Užica (A Memorial on the 10th Anniversary of the Liberation of Titovo Užice), Titovo Užice, 1951.

UNP-ŽJ – Za slobodu – učitelji, nastavnici i profesori Hrvatske poginuli u NOB-u, (For Freedom – Teachers, Lecturers and Professors of Croatia who died in the People’s Liberation War), Udruženje učitelja, nastavnika i profesora Hrvatske Zagreb, 1955.

VAS-Đ – Zoran Vasiljević, Sabirni logor Đakovo (Đakovo Assembly Camp), Centar za povijest Slavonije i Baranje Slavonski Brod i Jasenovac Memorial Site, 1988.
VI-NEV – Vlado Ivković, Nevesinje 1941, Prva književna komuna (Nevesinje 1941, the First Literary Commune), Mostar, 1980.
VI- NEV – Vlado Ivković, Nevesinje 1942, Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations, Nevesinje, 1985.
VMZ-P – Veliki i Mali Zdenci, prilozi za historiju sela (Veliki and Mali Zdenci, Articles on the History of the Villages), Jednota, Daruvar, 1978.
VN-DOŽ - Vladimir Novak, Doživljaji i putovanja do slobode, August Cesarec, Zagreb, 1979.
VRG-ŽJ – Dušan Baić, Kotar Vrginmost u narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi 1941-1945 (The District of Vrginmost in the People’s Liberation War), Municipal Committee of the Federation of War Veterans’ Organisations, Vrginmost, Belgrade, 1980.
VŠČ-LI – Vinko Šepić-Čiškin, Gubitci liburnijskog kraja u II. svjetskom ratu, Pregled gubitaka ljudstva, stambenih i privrednih zgrada, škola i crkava na području Liburnije i Opatijskog krasa u II. svjetskom ratu 1941-1945 (Losses in the Liburnian Area in the Second World War, a Survey of the Loss of Human Life, Homes and Industries, Schools and Churches in Liburnia and Opatijski Kras in the Second World War), Adamić, Katedra čakavskog sabora Opatija, Rijeka – Opatija, 2003.
VU-MAK – Velimir Urlić, Dali su život za sunce slobode (They Gave Their Lives for the Sun of Freedom), Makarska, 1979.
VŽ-ŽNG – Vjekoslav Žugaj, Židovi novogradiškog kraja, povijesni prilozi (The Jews of the Nova Gradiška Area, historical articles), Židovska općina Zagreb, 2001.

ZZ – VŽLJ – Zdravko Zgonjanin, Kuća od bijelog kamena (The White Stone House), Second revised, amplified edition, GEA, Belgrade, 2003.

ŽĆ-PRU – Živko Ćurčija, Prusci kroz vijekove (Prussians through the Centuries), Kostajnica 2007.
ŽF-SNOC – Žak Finci, Sefardski nocturno (A Sephardic Nocturne), Veselin Masleša, Sarajevo, 1990.
ŽFT-ČK – Prilog historiji radničkog pokreta i narodnoosolobodilačke borbe u Međimurju od 1919-1959. godine (Article on the Historical Workers’ Movement and People’s Liberation War in Međimurje), Čakovec, 1959.
ŽFT-VL – Pali Velolučani u narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi 1941-1945, (The People of Vela Luke who Fell in the People’s Liberation War) Savez boraca NOR-a Vela Luka, Vela Luka, 1974.
ŽFT-ŠI – Žrtvama do pobjede i slobode, Zbornik poginulih boraca, žrtava fašističkog terora šibenske općine 1941-1945. godine (With the Victims to Victory and Freedom, an Anthology of Fallen Soldiers, the Victims of the Fascist Terror in the Šibenik Municipality), Šibenik, 1978.
ŽNLJ – Alojz Buljan, Franjo Horvat, Žrtve Drugog svjetskog rata i poraća na području Novske, Jasenovca i Lipovljana (The Victims of the Second World War and the following years in the Novska, Jasenovac and Lipovljani Area), Ogranak Matice hrvatske Novska, Novska, 2005.
ŽNLJ2 – Alojz Buljan, Franjo Horvat, Žrtve Drugog svjetskog rata i poraća na području Novske, Jasenovca, Lipovljana, Banove Jaruge i Lonje (The Victims of the Second World War and the following years in the Novska, Jasenovac, Lipovljani, Banova, Jaruga and Lonja Area), Ogranak Matice hrvatske Novska, Novska, 2006. (Second amplified, amended andrevised edition)
ŽPM-BL – Žanetić-Pudarić Marin, U spomen palim Blaćanima u Narodnooslobodilačkom ratu i socijalističkoj revoluciji 1941-1945 (In Memory of the Fallen of Blato in the People’s Liberation War and Socialist Revolution), Blato,1982.
ŽV-KOZ – Žarko Vujičić, Velika ofanziva na Kozaru 1942. i njene posljedice (The Great Offensive on Kozara and its Consequences), Banja Luka, 2004.
16-MUS – Borbeni put 16. muslimanske NOU brigade (The Battle Path of the 16th Muslim Brigade of the People’s Liberation Army Brigade), Istorijski arhiv Sarajevo, Tuzla, 1981.



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December 1st - February 28th

Monday - Friday: 9am - 4pm

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